This is a short story about the importance of distancing to those who have lost loved ones
Self-Isolation: Stories from the Outside, Lockdown & Dragons
Please roll a saving throw to see how much of this article you’re obligated to read… dang, I got a 1.
Self-Isolation: Stories from the Outside, Bucket List Lockdown
A reflective article on bucket lists during COVID-19
Self-Isolation: Stories from the Outside, Regulars at the Corner Shop
A short short story on how big a small world can be during COVID-19
Self-Isolation: Stories From the Outside, Distanced.
A short article on long distance relationships during COVID-19
Self-Isolation: Stories from the Outside, Plus 1
A short story about my dog’s daily lockdown walk
Self- Isolation: Stories from the Outside, Pharmaceutical Friend
A short story on making friends during COVID-19