Is your birthday during lockdown too?
Well then,

Whether your birthday has come and gone already or your birthday is in the near future you deserve to be celebrated!
People deserve to be recognized for their inner beauty and, especially now, shown how much they are loved and supported.
Though COVID-19 is an obvious physical strain on the world, the negative impact this virus has on mental health is just as powerful. Let’s work together to combat these effects with hope, love, and the choice to take positive steps toward a normal living situation.
Sooooo what does that mean?
That its time to partaayyy!!
Birthdays, for some, may not be something that they have a desire to indulge in and that’s okay. In my family however, birthdays have always been a cheerful and exciting event. If you’re anything like us, celebrating a birthday alone may not be the easiest of things.
And if you’re anything like me this may feel like this a selfish endeavor, but would you tell your friend who was feeling down on their birthday that they were being bratty and vain? No! Because you know that they deserve to be celebrated, so why shouldn’t you be too?
…But how does one do that when family and friends are stuck behind closed doors?
This article lays out a few ways one can have a fun and special birthday party even during the coronavirus lockdown!

Food! Food! Fooood!!!
- Bake yourself a cake – this isn’t as sad as it sounds. You get to customize your cake however you want it annnnnd eat it too. Marble, angel, chocolate, sprinkles, fondant, anything you’d like! The delicious choice is yours 😀
- Make your favorite meal – I’m making thick and gooey Mac n’ cheese!
- Try a new recipe – I’m also making churros for the first time because Disneyland released their authentic park recipe for a positive spin on lockdown (find a link to the recipe here: https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/disney-parks-churro-recipe-recreate-snack-coronavirus-outbreak)
- Build a snack table – since we can still pop to the grocery stores for provisions, grab all of your favorite snacks and lay them out in a convenient spot so you can snack here, there, and everywhere!…(you can go for a run the next day, its fine, I promise)
Alcohol! (If you’re of age!)
- All day pass – its your birthday and its 5 o’ clock somewhere!
- Make your favorite drink – don’t know how? The Internet is a glorious thing
- Try a new recipe – there are loads of recipes online such as the link here: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes/14933/drinks/cocktails/margaritas/?page=3
- Build a bar – all you need is a table, a cup, a shot glass, and alcohol!
- Cheers! – you can still cheers yourself and your isolation buddies, or you can video family and friends and have a virtual clinking of glasses!
- Video Gaming – Zoom, House Party, Discord, and snapchat are some examples of great ways to get connected with loved ones while also being able to have fun playing a game with them
- Virtual Dungeons & Dragons – My family and I meet on Zoom every Sunday night for a session of Dungeons & Dragons to stay connected and have fun
- Online Gaming – If you’re a little goofy like me there are plenty of virtual games to meet up with family and friends on such as Club Penguin (rewritten) and Toontown (rewritten). Find the links are here: https://cprewritten.net , https://www.toontownrewritten.com
- Puzzles – they’re both satisfying and can be done solo or with others
- Boardgames – if you have someone with you, why not pull out that dusty game from the top shelf of the closet? Or video someone who has the same game and play virtually!
Spa Day!
- Spa Hour or Day – remember that face masks, hair masks, body scrubs, bath bombs, and more aren’t just for girlie females
- Take a bath – relax in warm water with a book, some wine, candles, and music playing gently in the background (or however you like to take baths!)
- Take a long shower – embrace the feel of the water on your skin and allow yourself an extra while to enjoy solitude and the simplicity of the moment
Dress to Impress!
- Who are you impressing? Yourself! – take your time when putting on your make up, your best dress or shirt and pants, and perhaps take some selfies because you look absolutely stunning 😉
Crafts & Decorations!
- Why not design and craft your own decorations? – streamers, banners, balloons, etc. Doll up the house. You have something to do and something pretty to look at that brightens up the house you’ve been stuck in for weeks
Plan a Lockdown-Birthdays Bash!
- Need something to both distract yourself and have fun? – Work with your friends to create massive birthday plans to celebrate everyones birthdays that have been stifled by lockdown! You can dream about a future vacation where everyone is celebrating who they are!… along with dream about fresh air and someplace other than the stuffy house….Disney sweet Disney
Zoom, Skype, Facetime!
- Get in contact with loved ones 😀 – call, video, text, whatever you feel comfortable doing in order to connect with the people who matter most to you because human connection is crucial to developing and maintaining positive mental health (and they’ll appreciate hearing from you too!)
And yet this isn’t everything you can do! There’s so much more that can spruce up ones lockdown birthday bash! Just because we’re stuck inside due to a stressful circumstance, doesn’t mean that we are alone or forgotten on our birthdays!
I hope these were helpful suggestions, but if you need a little extra love and support you can always contact me. I don’t care if we’re strangers or not, everyone deserves to be celebrated!
So once again a very merry
Happy birthday!!

And to those of you who’s birthday aren’t around this time: