Coronavirus (or COVID-19) has the world shook, to say the least.
Not only is a household, a town, or a country being threatened, but the entire population of the human race is under siege. A highly-contagious virus dominates our attentions and we don’t know what to do with it yet. How could we? This is new to all of us.
Death rates continue to rise, lockdowns extend, and provisions, for millions, are hard to come by. Though no one shares the exact same experience in all of this, no one is exempt from the stress of this either.
Informally, 2020 has been deemed the year we wish for a do-over.

My first COVID-filled week was a surprise.
No one knew what was happening as the media dramatized half-truths and fear of the unknown stirred drastic actions. Grocery stores were being cleared out, dooms day preppers were hoarding shelves of fresh food and… toilet paper?…. lectures were cancelled and campus was closed, people were either sent home from work or laid off without much notice, and medical professionals were drafted for emergency care.
Everywhere I turned someone was discussing the brewing of this pre-apocolypse. How could they not? In less than a minute our entire way of life had been altered.
Some citizens took this threat seriously while others appeared to view it as a vacation. Spring had just emerged, the sun and all, and so did the lockdown. Swansea doesn’t see the sun often so people’s eagerness to enjoy the warm weather and the fresh, flowery air is understandable. Even so, as we went on with our lives so did the impact of the virus. Our habits needed to change, but no one was ready for that sacrifice.
One morning that week I received a bit of a reality check. I woke up dazed and lazy to a series of stress-inducing text messages from my family:
“Call me as soon as you wake up”
“Shelby, you need to come home now.”
“Did you hear about the travel ban?”
43 messaged from group chat, FAMILY<3.
As an American student living in the United Kingdom (purely on loans might I add) this was not a fun thing to read as my brain tried to remember how to function (I’m also not a morning person).
Did I need to suddenly pack or trash everything I owned and frantically fill out paperwork for my dog to travel? Did I need to buy a plane ticket before all of the airports shut down? Should I tell my boyfriend I love him and that I won’t see him for who knows how long? Cue the self-pitying panic and anxious nostalgia – was I about to uproot my entire British-fied lifestyle and move home?
I wasn’t afraid of the virus at this point, I was afraid of people’s fear and the change that was coming with it. My stress was a result of the uncertainty (and from having watched videos of Italians playing My Heart Will Go on from their balconies, unable to get groceries and see their families, but still able to reach out to strangers and create something beautiful. No I didn’t cry…much).
In the end, staying in Swansea seemed to be my best option. So that’s what I did. Winnie the Barky Pup and I remained in Wales, taking shelter in our beach city flat with, luckily, a couple of friends (I am extremely grateful to say that this has been as good as it sounds). We have developed a rocky but sustainable way of life for which I am grateful for, but stress over the fact that I can’t do much to help others save go outside and clap on Thursdays at 8pm to to celebrate those who are fighting this pandemic.
Week two came around and the stress began to truly settle in. The realization that we were in a pandemic was beginning to process and people were gathering enough goods to remain trapped in their homes for weeks. There was, and low-key still is, talk of California becoming the next China, and more talk of the UK going into an even more serious lockdown as a precaution.
I felt like I was both on vacation and in a Hollywood feature film. I was horrified that my family was in danger, and even more horrified that the world was struggling to keep up emotionally and physically with the virus. Hour by hour information was changing and new actions were being implemented to the general public. Consistency was out the window while we were asked to be stuck behind it. I was starting to feel a bit depressed, anxious and out of sync with myself despite my privileged situation.
Now that we’re in week three (I think), the shock is beginning to wear off and so is the excitement of having time on my thoroughly washed hands. Though I am in a wonderfully privileged situation, no one is free from the human needs to make connections, maintain routines and interact with nature (Minor mental health rant: We may not be the worst case scenario but we are all experiencing a highly intense and situation for which everyone’s feelings are valid. This is a touch time).
There are days when I feel like myself; I wake up at a reasonable hour, type away on my laptop during a solid work period, eat veggie-filled meals, and take my dog out for a walk to bask in the sun and appreciate the life I have been given. On those days I feel positive, hopeful and like I am capable of anything.
But then there are the bad days too. The bad days consist of sleeping in until I am sick with guilt, staring at my laptop for hours while nothing productive occurs, and the desire to scream into a pillow because I am incredibly frustrated with myself and the world. On those days I feel sad, worthless, and, quite frankly, mentally and physically and ill.
Without the pressure of attending lectures, participating in a society/club/organization or being able meet outside of the house with other people, I was beginning to lose my grip. I was beginning to feel lost, and sometimes I still do. Some days I still struggle to tear my eyes from my phone or to put effort into my meals or to even get out of bed. Even so, I try again, because regardless of how many routines fail, one will work for me and I will be able to adjust and be myself again.
Horrible things are occurring and getting lost in those things are as easy as getting into bed, but sometimes bed isn’t where you need to be because we are strong, beautiful and incredibly worth the effort.
So let’s find a routine that works for you!
The following schedule layout is based upon a students life, however the general idea can easily be modified to fit one’s needs and desires. This is just an example of what me and my flatmate have been following to maintain our sanity and work ethics .
Daily Schedule
9:00am – 9:05am Wake-up
9:05am – 9:30am Morning Routine
9:30am – 10:00am Breakfast
10:00am – 11:00am Work Hour 1
11:00am – 11:15am Break 1
11:15am – 12:15pm Work Hour 2
12:15pm – 12:30pm Break 2
12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm – 2:30pm Work Hour 3
2:30pm – 3:00pm Exercise/Stretch/Walk
3:00pm – 4:00pm Chores
5:00pm – 6:00pm Free Time or Work Hour 4
6:00pm – 7:00pm Dinner
7:00pm – 10:00pm Desert and a Movie
10:00pm – 10:30pm Bedtime Routine
10:30pm – 11:00pm Relaxation
11:00pm Bedtime
Additional Tips & Tricks
Whether you are writing in a journal at the same time everyday or finishing a familiar workout every evening, pushing yourself to maintain at least one set task can make a huge difference between developing confidence and being consumed by the comforts of bed, laziness and depression. Sometimes developing this habit can seem futile, or playing on one’s phone can become far more enticing than chores, but the next trick can help with that one.
Time limits!
If you find yourself stuck on your phone or some sort of leisurely activity for hours on end, set alarms for yourself and allow yourself 5, 10, 15 minutes to finish up your procrastination. Once the alarm calls, productivity is set in motion and so are you. If you need to take this a step further, after your alarm has gone off give your distractions to someone else or put them in a separate room.
Buddy System!
My flatmate and I have been working together to stay on top of being a human. We hold each other accountable for our actions/habits and when one of us slips the other encourages them. I know that if I had to do this on my own I would be the perfect example of mental health gone wrong. Having a friend to go through this with has boosted not only my confidence in myself but my confidence in the world’s situation. So go find a buddy, whether in person or virtually, and discuss your goals, expectations and desires to start finding that healthy life style once again.
Daily checklists!
1. Drink 5 cups of water______
2. Self-care shower______
3. Walk for 10 minutes outside______
Physically marking off even the simplest of tasks, I have found at least, can provide me with a monumental sense of satisfaction. Whether that task is something you already do each day, a challenge, or a job, crossing/checking/erasing those to-dos can provide a visual that encourages you to continue forward with your day.
Good news!
Overwhelmed by the news? Unsure of what’s true and what’s rumor? Same. As much bad news as there is in the world there is an equal amount of good news too. Have you heard that the Earth is healing herself since the human race has been in lockdown? Or did you see the video of the dad teaching his daughter how to talk? Go have a look at all the wonderful things that occurring.
Human connection!
Keeping in contact with those you love is crucial to maintaining a healthy mental state along with healthy relationships. Make sure to reach out to those you love, even with a simple text like “hey” to let them know you’re thinking about them during this hard time. Or perhaps, like my family, set up virtual Dungeons and Dragons sessions to not only have a chat but have fun.
Further Resources
I just like this one because I watch animals and get a feel for the beauty of the outside world –>
…also does anyone remember Clever Bot?
- Video-chat with loved ones
- Learn a new skill
- Plan a trip to look forward to
- Make a list of things you always wish you could do if you had free time
- Make a bucket list
- Craft something for a celebration/birthdays
- Meal prep/make weekly meal plans (have a go at a new recipe)
- And so much more!
I hope this was helpful in any which way.
Please, stay safe and take care of yourself, because you deserve it <3
Brilliant article – well done!
Thank you so much Dawn! I hope you are doing well!